Wedding Arrangements Featured by Amy Littleson
Luxe Bridal Box (as Amy shared) - $175
Light Bridal Box - $75
Luxe Bachelorette Box (as Amy shared) - $55
Light Bachelorette Box - $40
*Item brands may differ slightly **Indicate your choice in the form below ***Shipping included
Wedding Arrangements
There are few things as exciting, yet equally stressful and time consuming, as the wedding planning process! Between proposals, parties, and the big day, the gift needs are endless! I take that stress off of your plate, while curating thoughtful arrangements with every attention to detail matching your desires! Each creation is 100% customized, so your arrangements will be as unique as your monumentous day!
I provide a variety of wedding related gift arrangements, for everything from the first asks to the big day! Arrangements can be created individually, or as part of a larger package, for all of your wedding needs!
Options to consider (but not limited to) include:
Bridal box
Asking of bridal party
Party favors
Hostess gifts
Parent/family gifts
Morning of wedding
Hotel goodies for guests
Wedding favors
Please complete the form with your contact info and description of your needs, and I will be in touch with a quote within 48 hours!